
“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.”

.K. Chesterton

I know what you’re thinking reading that quote… “Wait… HUH?! Why would I ever want to do something badly?!” Same y’all same, but hear me out😅… Every single pursuit to do something well, starts by doing it poorly. Think about watching your child take their first steps, the first time you rode a bike, your first college class, the first time you took a shot… I’m going to bet each of those had some bumps and bruises both metaphorically and physically. The same goes for almost any pursuit worth pursuing in life.

This past month I celebrates one year since I passed my real estate brokers exam. I had been working towards passing that test and somehow made that into a finish line, but really it was just the beginning. I can see that now looking back. 

Can you guess how poorly I did things during training? Y’all… it was incredibly frustrating! I went from being THEE person to call when ish hit the fan to literally not knowing where the switch for the fan was. The word “humbling” comes to mind. 

Once I got over that (and it took me a cry or 18 to do) I put everything I had into doing things poorly, presenting them to my mentors so they could critique and give insight, and then doing them all over again until I could pass the Clerf/Tutor test 😅. 

For those of you on the fence about starting…embrace that fear of being bad and start! I know it’s scary, it’s maddening, and I also know it’s 100% worth it because my oh my! What a difference a year can make! I look back at 2020 Nicole (I can own now how horribly depressed and hurt I was) and now I look at 2021 Nicole and I want to cry from joy. Start the thing. Do it poorly and if you ever need a word of ten of encouragement, call me! I got you!

Inventory Time

🏡 0 Home(s) under $200,000  

🏡 1 Home(s) $200K-$249,999

🏡 4 Home(s) $250K-$299,999

🏡11 Home(s) $300K-$399,999

🏡41 Home(s) $400K-$999,999

🏡143Home(s) over $1,000,000

*As of 10/11/2021 @ 1:40pm

Ellensburg, Thorp, Kittitas (Residential & Manufactured Homes)

Should I Buy a Home Even Though I Have Student Loan Debt?

Hello children of student loan debt, I am your leader! Kidding! Well, kind of… There’s a 20 year span of us who really got saddled with a lot. So how do you make this choice?

  • Get informed!
  • Talk to a local lender (it’s free and you can create an action plan!)
  • Watch these two videos to make starting feel less scary

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