Newsletter Editorial: October 2022

Today (10/17/2022) marks two years since my license officially was hung with Coldwell Banker Central. Today I achieved something that nearly 90% of beginning Realtors don’t; I am still in the industry. I was shocked to discover that in a poll that the National Association of Realtors conducted, they found 87% of Realtors do not make it past year five (and a large portion of that percentage happens much earlier than year five). Not today Satan! 🤣

Last week I finished up all the continuing education credits that I needed for my renewal and I felt, well, a bit empty to tell you the truth. I have spent the better portion of the last two years hustling,  fighting to learn as quickly as possible, staying up late to do this or that, and getting up early so I wouldn’t miss the worm. Go, Go, GO! I felt like I had a lot to prove while simultaneously worrying I would fail. Well, after I printed out my new license and handed it off to the higher powers of the office, the strangest thing happened. I had nowhere that I technically had to be. 

I decided to give myself the one thing that I wanted to celebrate. An affogato (for those that don’t know, that’s ice cream with espresso shots pulled over the top – it’s heaven!). As I sat on the planter retaining wall at Jerrol’s basking in the morning sun eating my ice cream with espresso, I felt a lot. The two overwhelming feelings were relief and gratitude. The last two years have simultaneously been the most painful and most joy-filled years of my life and I’m unbelievably grateful for each and every one of you. You have supported me, championed me, and most of all made this all possible. While I don’t know what the next season will bring (spoiler alert: looking like high interest rates and griping about gas prices), the thing I know is when the goin’ get’s tough, the tough get goin’. Stay tough and stay gentle, friends 💜