A quality home inspection can reveal critical information about the condition of a home and its systems. This makes the buyer (that’s you!) aware of what costs, repairs and maintenance the home may require immediately, and over time. On this page, I will provide you with resources to help you understand the process as well as a list of home inspectors that my clients and I have worked with in Kittitas County, Yakima County, and Grant County.

Preferred Home Inspectors in Kittitas County

Street Inspection – Jonah Street

(509) 899-1058


For Scheduling: https://squareup.com/appointments/book/f4h9b1mzw5ta55/LHTSV6HBTSE74/services

Intermountain Home Inspection – Zac Withers

(509) 859-4047

For scheduling

Sound Mind Home Inspection – Nathan Poole



**This page is a work in progress! If you are shopping in the Yakima or Grant County areas, please feel free to reach out to me via cell phone at 509-859-3458. I’m happy to update you on the home inspectors who service the area and do so with high standards!