$90k Donation Update: 2022, Quarter 1

$90k Donation Update: 2022, Quarter 1

Some of you may know and some of you may be new here, hi hello how are ya 👋🏼 My big driving pie-in-the-sky mission is to donate $90k to local non-profits who specifically help our populace recover from/survive big life events by 2032. Dream big huh?

I’m happy to announce we are 9% of the way there! 🎉 If you’re wondering how you can help, you can of course donate as a private citizen and I’ll happily provide you contact info. You can also remember my name for family, friends, co-workers, etc. who are or will be buying/selling. I donate $250 in my clients honor every single time we successfully close (both for buyers and sellers).

I truly feel with greater earnings comes greater responsibility to share those earning and so I’m just trying to do my part. Thanks for watching and here’s to helping!

How can you get involved?

I fully realize that not everyone is in a space to buy or sell a home. If that’s the case, please feel free to pass my name along to family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else in your circle who’s values align with a mission like this. Working with really kind, community centered people is my highest and best use so put me to work!